Face detection project in java with source code
Face detection project in java with source code

face detection project in java with source code

The Criminal Face Detection System is ineffective because a witness will not be able to continually peruse the different images rather they will receive a broken stream of images and randomness of the sliced image is not achievable.

face detection project in java with source code face detection project in java with source code

Linking of each sliced image to the original image is also a herculean task. There is no dedicated Criminal Face Detection System to assist in facial detection of criminals rather police technicians have to go through to different pictures of criminals and manually slice each picture to generate images, this will usually lead to the generation of low resolution and blurred images. In such cases it is useful to show witnesses slices of the face like the nose, ears, lips, eyes. In other cases a witness may simply notice the perpetrator in a passing glance and thus may not be able to recall many facial details. In most crimes, criminals may wear a mask which covers a majority of their face, they may first bind and blind – fold their victims or they may confine victims in a room before crimes are committed. It is possible that witnesses to a crime have seen the criminal though in most cases it may not be possible to completely see the face of the perpetrator. Out of these methods eye witness accounts are preferred because it stands scrutiny in court and it is a cost – effective method. Identification of criminals at the scene of a crime can be achieved in many ways like fingerprinting, DNA matching or eye witness accounts. Criminal Face Detection System project aims to build a Criminal Face Detection system by levering the human ability to recall minute facial details.

Face detection project in java with source code