But that isn’t what you’re here for, is it? you’re here because you want a simple all-in one emulation console. Well the good news is that you have not one but two options on that front: Retropie and Lakka. Lakka is not the option i’ve gone for myself, but it’s most definitely a viable one.

Lakka is the official consolised front end for the LibRetro/Retroarch ecosystem, a system that has individual emulators contained as ‘cores’ ran via a central framework that provides a consistent interface. Retropie What Should I Expect From the emulation? Controllers If you happy sticking to Libretro cores and you liked the look of the Playstation 3 interface, this might be the one for you. Going forward everything in this article will be based on my experiences with Retropie. However, As Lakka is also based of Libretro, I presume most of this will apply to that system at all. I suppose the first thing to say that is something obvious: this is not an official propriety device running with its own custom controller. This means that, even with the most basic of installs, You will be doing at least a little bit of configuration. #RASPBERRY PI 2 EMULATOR MAC BLUETOOTH#.